
Accessibility signs, showing symbos for a wheelchair, autism, low vision, and sign languageI may need help with this course. What do I do? If you need special accommodations in this course, please let me know, and I will try to provide what you need.

What do I need to do to document what will help me? To document the special accommodations that will help you the most, please contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in 310 Lavery Hall (above the Turner Place Dining Center) as soon as possible to ensure that you have the resources you need to participate in the class. The procedures and forms you need are also available on the SSD website. I am happy to work with the SSD staff to make sure that you have the support you need. Documentation from the SSD office should be sent to me by the end of the first week of class.

Course Resources

What resources are designed for accessibility?

  • Most resources we use can be magnified on your computer screen if the font is too small.
  • All the videos we use have an accompanying text transcript.
  • Images on the course website should all have descriptive alt attributes.
  • Most links on the course website have title attributes.

What resources may be inaccessible? Student projects used as examples may not be fully accessible. For instance, most student videos will not have transcripts, and there will not be alt attributes for all images on websites.

I need extra time on projects, or I need a special quiet space to work on quizzes. You can use the grace period if you need more time on a project or need to complete in-class work in a less distracting environment. Check the late policy for more details. If the grace period is not adequate for your situation, talk to me or email me as far in advance as possible.

Will I need to take notes in this class? Is there help for notetaking? I try to post everything you need on the course website. Class time is more often spent in activities than in lectures with notes, so you shouldn’t need to take extensive notes. If you need someone to help with notetaking however, we will work as a class to get you what you need.

Classroom and Building Access

Paw iconI have a service animal that I will need in the classroom. What should I do? Let me know immediately about your animal, and tell me whatever the class needs to know about how you will work together in the classroom. Once I know the details, we will make sure everyone in the class knows the appropriate behavior. Either you can talk to the class about how to behave while your animal is in the classroom, or I will present the information if you prefer.

I need help evacuating the building in the case of an emergency. What should I do? Please let me know immediately what you need us to do to help you. As appropriate, we will arrange as a class to provide any accommodation you need if an emergency occurs.

Is your office accessible? Yes. You can use the elevator to go to the second floor. When you leave the elevator, turn right and find my office past the Creative Writing bulletin board on the right side of the hallway. The office number (214) is on a plastic sign on the right side of the door, and the room number is written in Braille. If you need help finding the office the first time, let me know and I will meet you on the first floor and take you to my office.




[Image Credit for Accessibility Signs: By Disability_symbols_16.png: NPS Graphics, put together by User:Wcommons Pictograms-nps-accessibility-wheelchair-accessible.svg: NPS Graphics, converted by User:ZyMOS Pictograms-nps-accessibility-low_vision_access.svg: NPS Graphics, converted by User:ZyMOS Pictograms-nps-accessibility-sign_language_interpretation.svg: NPS Graphics, converted by User:ZyMOS Autismbrain.jpg: National Institutes of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health derivative work: Hamiltonham [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons.]