Design Journal Presentations

This is the post for the Wednesday, August 31, 2016 class meeting.

Class Work for 8/31

  1. This is how I finish a presentationTake attendance and set up seating chart:

  2. Office Hours Sign-up now online. More details on the office hours policy page.

  3. Any questions about the Participation Logs?

  4. In addition to your Design Journal Entries, you will each give one short presentation of a digital design from your journal to the class. You will spend a few minutes telling the class about the design, why you chose it, and how it connects to the class. After you show your design, you will lead a short class discussion on the design. You will sign up for these presentations in advance.
    • Return to small groups.
    • Review the Design Journal Entries for everyone in your group. If someone is using the grace period, skip that person obviously.
    • Choose an entry that your group will share with the class and work up a five-minute presentation. We’ll skip the class discussions portion of the presentations in the interest of time.
    • Work in some of the vocabulary from Chapter 1 of Writer/Designer, which is summarized in the slideshow.
    • Involve all members of your group in some way, and be ready to present by 3:15 in the 2:30 class or by 4:45 in the 4:00 class.


  1. Write Design Journal Entry #2 before class by 11:59 PM Tuesday in Canvas (you get an extra day because of the holiday):

  2. Read the info on Planning Your Major Projects, and browse the 3844 Potential Topics List. We’ll talk about these topics and the major projects for the term more in our next class, on Wednesday, 9/7.

  3. [Optional] Still time to post in the AMA discussion if you like.