Participation Logs

Hand-drawn image of three people in a meetingParticipation is worth 15% of your course grade.

Logging Your Participation

The challenge with participation is making what you contribute visible. I know that it can be hard to tell if you are doing well at participation in some classes. Sometimes it feels as if your participation grade is based on the whim of the teacher or unspoken requirements. That’s not the way it works in this class.

Instead, in this course, you will log your participation in discussions in class and online as well as in-class activities that you participate in, noting where and how you contribute to the on-going conversations in the course. You should always be able to tell how you are doing by checking your log.

At the end of the term, you will write a short completion report that explains what you have done to contribute and provides a self-evaluation of your participation.

How the Log Works

Make a copy of the Google Doc Participation Log for 3844. If you prefer to work in Excel, you can use this version. The log has four tabs across the bottom:

  • Class Discussion
  • Small Group
  • Other Participation
  • Self-assessment & Reflection

You will find more details on each sheet of the spreadsheet. Essentially, you will look at your work in the Discussions tool in Canvas (and anywhere else) and add details to the spreadsheet to track what you have done. If you track your participation in your log consistently, you will always know where you stand on this portion of your grade.

Creating Your Log

To get started, make a copy of the Google Sheets Participation Log for 3844:

  1. Make sure you are logged into Google with your address.
  2. Open the Participation Log for 3844.
  3. From the File menu, choose the Make a copy… command.
  4. Change the name of the file from the default (Copy of Put Your Name Here’s Participation Log for English 3844) to include your name.
  5. If desired, change the location where the file saves as well.
  6. Click the Share button in the upper right corner and share your log with so that I "Can Comment" on your spreadsheet.
  7. Now that you have a copy, you can begin adding details on your participation in the course.

Hand-drawn image of a paper with the grade of A+How Grading Works

This log is primarily for your records, but I will look at it occasionally.

You will not earn a grade on the log itself. Instead, you will use the log at the end of the term to write your self-assessment (your final exam).